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Open Call Announcement: Join Our Upcoming Exhibition on Resilience [Hardiness]
GROUP EXHIBITION | October 2024 | Yerevan, Armenia
The idea of organizing an exhibition has quickly gained momentum, and we are excited to invite talented individuals to participate in this event.
— Alisa Asatryan, Artist & "Darwini Wortex" Co-Founder
Who are we looking for?
We are seeking creative minds from all walks of life! Whether you’re a painter, sculptor, experimental artist, barista, florist, or a creative IT artist, we welcome you to showcase your work. The key requirement is a passion for expressing the theme of our exhibition.
Exhibition Theme: Resilience [Hardiness]
Initially inspired by the concept of antifragility, our discussions with various people led us to the profound and inspiring theme of Resilience & Hardiness [by Maddy].
What is Resilience?
Resilience is the ability to navigate life’s challenges with calmness and transform them into personal strengths. It encompasses:
  • Engagement
    Active participation in life and activities, deriving pleasure and trust in the process. The opposites of engagement are apathy, anxiety, depression, and doubt.
  • Control
    The belief that one's efforts can influence outcomes. The counterbalance to control is learned helplessness and fatalism.
  • Risk Taking
    Staying open to the world despite recognizing the inevitability of risks. It involves embracing events as opportunities for new experiences. The counterbalance to risk-taking includes catastrophization, perfectionism, fear of the unknown, excessive planning, and comfort-seeking.
Important Information
  • Participation in the exhibition is free of charge

  • The exhibition will be held in Yerevan, Armenia, tentatively in October (exact dates to be specified)

  • Participants are responsible for the transportation of their works to and from the exhibition venue if coming from other cities or countries
How to Apply
We eagerly await your work or your desire to participate, along with a description of your idea. Please feel free to fill out the form below to apply.
Get Involved!
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a dynamic and inspiring exhibition. We appreciate your interest and look forward to your creative contributions!
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