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The "La Tache Triptych"
18 bottles
  • $94 980
    Collection Value (May 2021)
  • 18
    Total Bottles
  • $ 126 906 (33,6%)
    Total Portfolio Growth Since May 2021.
Success Story
Discover the remarkable story behind the La Tache Triptych collection, an exquisite selection of Burgundy wines that have seen a remarkable 33.6% growth in value over just two years.

Learn how the perfect synergy between grape variety, terroir, and winemaking expertise has contributed to the success of these exceptional wines, setting them apart as true investment-grade assets.
Value, $

Value, $

Annual Growth, %
Total Growth, %
La Tache DRC, 2018 (6 items)
32 976
43 482
La Tache DRC, 2016 (6 items)
33 720
44 418
La Tache DRC, 2014 (6 items)
28 284
39 006
Key Highlights
  • Exceptional Grape Variety
    The La Tache Triptych collection showcases the highly prized Pinot Noir grape, which flourishes in the unique climate and soil composition of Burgundy. This delicate grape variety demands meticulous care and attention, resulting in wines with a harmonious balance of acidity, sugar, and tannins.
  • Unique Terroir
    The terroir of Burgundy is renowned for its distinct microclimate and varied soil types, including limestone, clay, and marl. The La Tache vineyard boasts a prime combination of well-draining limestone and iron-rich clay, imparting a unique minerality and depth of flavor to the wines.
  • Centuries-Old Tradition and Expertise
    The rich winemaking heritage in Burgundy has fostered a deep understanding of the relationship between the Pinot Noir grape and the region's unique terroir. This expertise ensures the exceptional quality of La Tache DRC wines, with meticulous attention to detail in both the vineyard and winery.
  • Market Perception and Demand
    The La Tache Triptych collection enjoys a strong market perception, thanks to the unrivaled reputation of Burgundy's Pinot Noir wines. This perception drives demand and secures premium prices in the global market, making these wines an attractive investment option.
Rarity and Allocation
The exclusive nature of La Tache DRC wines, with limited production and strict allocation, further enhances their desirability and investment potential.

Securing an allocation of these wines is a testament to the investor's discernment and foresight, positioning them at the forefront of fine wine investment.
History and Reputation of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
The La Tache Triptych collection is produced by the iconic Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, one of the most prestigious wine estates in the world.

Their rich history, dating back centuries, and unwavering commitment to quality have positioned their wines as some of the most sought-after and valuable in the market.
Vintage Variation and the Art of Patience
The La Tache Triptych collection highlights the importance of vintage variation in fine wine investment.

By selecting three distinct vintages (2014, 2016, and 2018), the collection demonstrates the impact of climatic conditions on the final product, and the potential rewards of patiently awaiting optimal drinking windows and peak market value
Global Recognition and Market Demand
With a strong global following and a passionate collector base, La Tache DRC wines have secured a position of prestige in the fine wine market.

As demand for these wines continues to grow, particularly in emerging markets, the potential for significant returns on investment becomes increasingly promising
Embrace the fascinating world of fine wine investment and uncover the secrets behind the success of the La Tache Triptych collection
Learn from the insights and expertise that have guided this exceptional portfolio to outstanding growth, and apply these principles to your own investment journey.
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